How long have you been waiting to be moved from JSB to JSA


Registered User
I live on the northside in Dublin, I'm waiting 10 weeks now to assessed. hoping it will happy before xmas. I've left 3 notes for the inspector to call me, no replies. interested to see how long other people have waited.
The benefit is not means tested - you get this if you have enough stamps.
The allowance is means tested and is usually back dated to the start of the year.

You should be saving what you can on the benefit because the allowance may be less.
By delaying the allowance they may be doing you a huge favour.

Talk to your local community welfare officer about this.
Further letter writing may not be useful.

Let us known how you get on.
Zero wait for me.

I got a letter informing me i will need to move to JSA from JSB soon,
I got a letter a couple of weeks later informing me i had been approved.

There was no disruption to my payments.

Note: Luckily After nearly 2 years, I've found proper work and start in 4 weeks!