How do you apply for planning permission?


Registered User
I was thinking of putting a small 8 x 8ft conservatory onto the back of my house, now I rang my local authority and they told me that I need to have 40m2 left of garden after the conservatory is put up and a metre between the conservatory and my neighbours boundry sp? I'm not too sure if I have the 40m2, my dad thinks I do but we never measured properly and I will be a few inches short than a metre on one side of the glass house but will have a metre or more on the other side if that makes sense. I initially thought I didn't need any planning because it's an all glass lean to self build Conservatory which can be taken down if needed but according to the girl in the planning department I still need planning if I don't meet with the above criteria even if I'm just slightly under. Has anyone been in this positon before was the planning process long and difficult, did you eventually get planning?

Hi there,
As far as i am aware u do not need planning permission for a 8 x 8
sunroom / conservatory.......... only anything over 13 x 13 and depends on size of Garden to.

Far as I can gather the planning departments will always tell you you need planning if you contact them! with regard to how long it will take, allow 4 months. This is because you will need to hire an architect to do drawings and apply for planning permission then planning permission notice will have to go up for 6 weeks. Then allow another (approx) 3 weeks before you get the decision from planning authority.

What are your neighbours like? If you thiink the size meets planning requirements you could always go ahead and build hoping the neighbours won't object. If they do, you would have to apply for retention. Worse case scenario is you would have to take it (some of it) down. Depends on whether you are willing to take the chance.

Good luck