how do i find out if my parents were legally separated?



My father passed away recently, he and my mother were separated 15 years ago and he had started a new life with a new partner that we all knew about. How do I find out or trace the paperwork for the separation without having to ask my mother?
I don't think you can - family law cases are in camera, so they won't be generally available.

More generally you shouldn't be looking for stuff like that behind your mothers back. Separation is an intensely personal thing, and she could well resent you poking about. Be upfront and ask her.
The reason that I don't want to ask my mother is that I don't want to upset her and bring up bad/sad memories for her - I was only young when all this happened and thought is was all settled; now it doesn't appear that's the case at least according to one of my sister's - can't think why that would be true and without wanting to hurting or ask any family members was wondering if there was a way that I could verify what I was told by my dad. Not sure what you mean by 'family law cases are in camera'; what jurisdiction is that?
There may be no separation documents. I know my own parents who separated had a document drawn up by their solicitor but if I didn't know that there was sucha a documetn there would be no way to find it. Not sure if one would be entitled to see such a document. It's a legal document but there is no record of it as there was no court case. Your parents may not have done anything other than go their separate ways.

As I presume you are getting at the fact of whether your mother is entitled to anything from your father's estate why don't you ask that?

If your mother is happy the way she is then you should leave well enough alone.