How do I estimate how many kwh my gas central heating should use?


Registered User
I'm disputing my last two bills with Flo gas and am putting a case together on why their bills have to be wrong. For context, I live in a 4 bedroom house and we use our water heating 2 hours/day and central heating 4 hours/day. We have thermostat set to 21 and water cylinder to 60. Whole system was newly installed just over a year ago, our boiler is brand new and 98.5% efficient. During the cold periods over the last few months, I did hit the boost buttons a few times but estimate that to be an extra 6 hours/week maximum.

My bill for Nov - Jan showed that we used 10,453 kwh (652EUR!) and Jan- Mar 6,332 kwh (410 EUR). I looked at which estimates a 4 bedroom house to use 6,800 kwh/YEAR which makes me believe that flo gas must be wrong despite both my last two bills being actual readings rather than estimates.

Can anyone help me out with additional data points to think about or help me figure out how many kwh I should be using with above consumption?
For comparison though,I live in a small 3 bed terrace and have the heating on 2-3 hrs a day and my use on the same bill was 4700 kWh.It was very cold!
My use for Jan Mar was 4000 kWh .
Why dont you check what the current meter reading is with all gas appliances turned off. Then turn on the heating for 1 hour and see what the new meter reading says after the hour. It will give you a close estimate of what you are using per hour...example...

16.843 m3 meter reading before
36.563 m3 meter reading after
19.72 m3 used
11.2477 kwh conversion (* this by m3 used)
221.80 kwh used
0.06 charge per kwh
13.31 total cost in cent per hour
But if its 10°c warmer today than in December,the cost per hour will be way higher.
When you ask bonkers to apply the national average use it uses 13800 kWh .Where on the site is the 6800 figure?