How do I claim tax back on medical expenses if also claiming from health insurance?


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I returned to Ireland a few years after 10 years away. Its taken me a while to get my self set up hear financially and understand the system etc. However I just discovered that I can claim tax relief on almost all medical expenses. After asking around family and friends it seems like this is something people are only vaguely aware of and do in a case where they had a very high medical bill.

Anyway, now I know.

I had a quick look at the Revenue website and think I have found where to claim. However there also seems to be a separate portal for receipts tracker. Is this linked to submitted receipts or is it simply a storage folder. If so i will probable keep receipts myself.

I have health insurance which pays a portion of a doctor visit. Basically I pay 60euro and they refund 30euro. I presume I can only claim tax relief on the 30euro the health insurance doesn't over.

I this case what receipts do I need to submit, both the initial doctor receipt and the health insurance statement?

Or s it case I don't submit any and need to just keep a record in case I am audited?

Would the health insurance statement on its own be enough? I have these saved but not the receipts as once I submitted them via the health insurance app I usually dumped them. Some might be available via the app but they don't seem easy to save.

Anyway any assistance appreciated.

I really think there needs to be more promotion of this, e.g. radio, notice in doctors surgeries or on receipts. Although perhaps the governement don't want more people claiming.
You don't need to submit any receipts or statements, you do it online. You need to keep track of the amount you spent and the amount you were reimbursed for and you claim on the difference.
However, you need to keep the receipts and statements for a number of years in case revenue audits you.

Makes sense, so the Revenue receipt tracker is optional?

I presume I would need the actual receipts and not just the health insurance statements which would be based off the receipts.
You need to claim off the insurance company first. They will ask for the receipts if you post or a snapshot if using the app. When you get all refunds at the end of a given year you fill in the medical form from revenue whether that is a form 11 or a med 1. You can only claim for the remainder of what the health insurance did not pay. Your health insurance will either send you a recepit with amount refunded of it will be printable in heir app. You never send receipts to revenue. You just need to keep them in case they query or audit you.
You can claim tax back for that last four years from revenue and if the health insurance did/does not allow you can claim the tax back on the full amount (@ 20%).

Very helpful. Before the app I think I sent actual receipts to my health insurance. I have the receipts they sent with the amount refunded. Would this be enough to keep as a record Incase revenue audit? Or should I have a copy of the original?
I have the receipts they sent with the amount refunded. Would this be enough to keep as a record Incase revenue audit? Or should I have a copy of the original?
I send the original receipts to them and they don't send them back. Just that form which I believe is enough for revenue. I've never been put to the test yet though. I'd imagine they would not be required. I suppose you could clutter up your drawers with copies if you wanted to.
You can upload receipts to revenue and store them there. They don't check them unless there is an audit but saves keeping them in a drawer
I presume I would need the actual receipts and not just the health insurance statements which would be based off the receipts.

You don't need to keep the original receipts as long as you have the statements the health insurer provides after each claim, Revenue accept these.
You don't need to keep the original receipts as long as you have the statements the health insurer provides after each claim, Revenue accept these.

There are some items though that are not covered by health insurers and therefore not on the statements such as prescriptions so these need to be kept. Perhaps Sunny's advice to upload them to Revenue site would suffice.

You can upload receipts to revenue and store them there. They don't check them unless there is an audit but saves keeping them in a drawer