Household charge and moving house

Troy McClure

Registered User
We will be mving into a new house we are building in the summer and renting out our current home. If we pay the household charge can we take it with us to the new home? We will have to pay the investment home charge when it becomes applicable at the same time.
You will have to pay the household charge for both houses, so whats the point in moving it to the new house and paying it for the old house at the same time,
Thanks Sahd
So just to get it straight. We are moving in July coming. So we are liable for the HC on our current home in 2012 and not at all for our new home in 2012 as we wont be able to move in until the summer. We then pay it on new home in 2013.
As for the NPPR, although we hope to rent current home in the later half of the 2012 year, we wont be liable for NPPR until 2013 from 31/3/13.
Is this right?