house viewed 3 times by same guy


Registered User
just wondering what the story with this guy is ?? ive a house for sale and my neighbour has told me the same fella has come 3 times to view , 1st of all shouldnt the estate agent have told me this not my neighbour ?? also why in hell would he view so many times in 1 week ?? its a regular 3 bed semi ,i just find this odd , as ive yet to get an offer ,understandably people are waiting till election is over and yes the house is only for sale 2 weeks ??? should i ask estate agent why he hasnt informed me of this ?? another viewing today altho prob the same guy !!!
Re: house viewed 3 times by same guy ???

Are you sure he doesn't work for the estate agent? Or perhaps he's just an indecisive customer?
Multiple viewings would indicate some level of interest i would have thought, which I would have expected the estate agent to let you know about. having now sold and bought within the last year ....several viewings were done before we made an offer and certainly when selling my place the multi viewers were the people who eventually bid...I would talk to your estate agent. My estate agent kept me informed every step of the way on who and how often "interest" was expressed and positive or negative feedback from the viewers.
just an update , asked the ea how the viewing went yesterday and he said the guy found a million things to complain about talked about offering 20grand under the asking price and ea told him he wouldnt even come to me with that offer , i asked ea has this man viewed before and he said NO ?? now my neighbour doesnt miss a thing ,obviously she is interested to see who her new neighbour is gonna be and im glad of the feedback but why would ea lie to me ?? another viewing an hour ago so i parked up the road so i could see (nosey cow i know) ea was 15 mins late , lady was only short of climbing in the window !!
well i would ring your estate agent now , to look for feedback on todays viewing are paying for his services so if you if you have any doubt about whether he is looking after your interests , communicate that to him and what level of feedback you want from him in the future. Personally i would prefer to know any offers on the property, it is after all your call as to whether to accept the offer depending on your circumstances -not the estate agent's.
Viewing a house three times and saying want to make an offer, even if offer is low, indicates interest. Most people interested in a house will view it a number of times. Usually first visit is quite brief - getting an overall feel for the house, checking out rooms, general condition of house, neighbourhood etc. Second viewing is where you look in more detail with a critical eye - trying to find out if the house requires any work, checking sizes of rooms, checking specific things which may have glanced at on first visit. Would usually bid after second visit.

Now, if I was interested in a house, and during second visit, I found that some part of the house is going to require work e.g. wiring, new windows, possible extension, roof etc. I would probably go back third time with a builder with a view to getting an outline quote and adjusting my proposed bid to take into account the cost of any work that needs to be done.

Its possible that you viewer is following a similar path, or else s/he could simply be indecisive.

I would encourage your EA to relay any proposed bids and circumstances of bidders even if bids are under your expectations. People are underbidding nowdays and first bid is usually under what they can afford. Encouraging bids and having your EA keep the communication channels open with both you and potential buyers may result in both you and the potential viewer finding a price you both can agree on.

Recently went sale agreed on our house with the person
who viewed 3 times and well above asking,some people
need to be sure to be sure,like previous post big
commitment and alot of money.
Dont be paranoid go with the flow,look at it as a positive.
EA said this guy who apparently only viewed once was a real pain in the backside ! any one know if ea should be coming back to me with feedback after viewings ?? after i spoke to him this am he said he would call and let me know how it went , havnt heard a thing ,surely i shouldnt have to keep chasing him ? or is this the way it is , sorry just ive never sold before finding it a bit frustrating tbh ,heres to the end of the elections
Take a chill pill - you are paying the ea a good deal of money to do all the worrying for you - let him do his job. 2 weeks? in this market, pre election? take it easy!
call me paranoid - but is there something valuable in your house that he would see on walking round your house
when i was selling my EA used to ring after every viewing with a run down of total parties/repeat viewings etc. TBH if i were buying i wouldnt make an offer till i had seen it at least 3 times - it's a big investment we're talking about not a new pair of shoes i don't see anything strange/unusual...
I know its a huge investment ,just found it odd with all the lies im getting told etc etc , anyway got another silly offer today ,i know its a buyers market at the mo but a MUGS markey
dont know % wise , but 20grand under excess price , luckily im not in a huge rush so ill hold on to it till i get what im after what its worth !
20k on a million euro house is a drop in the ocean. 20k on 250 is. its all about % to me.
No where near a million ,its on the market for excess 400k and ive 2 offers of 382 and 383 ,2 others for sale in the area offers excess 390 with nothing at all done to them , mine has everything done to it , madness