House Price Index. Can I view that?


Registered User
I was just on to Ulster Bank about getting my house valued to change my LTV with them. They told me that when I send in a mortgage change form they initially look at the HPI Valuation so I don't really need to get my house valued (unless I disagree with the HPI).

Is this something that is available to the public? Can I query it myself now? I did some googling but I can't find anything that narrows down to house type and location.
I don't think this is the same as the property price register.

It's quite handy for them to do it this way I think. If the HPI gives me a value of X which is 61% then I can just pay the difference to get the LTV down below 60% which saves me the valuation fee I think. I don't mind paying extra off the mortgage as I pay the odd lump sum myself anyway.
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When I rang they did this at the time and gave it within 2 mins over the phone, gave me
<60 which is what I was looking for so as you say saved any independent valuation. Was sceptical until I actually got the rate but all good. Was expecting to have to pay 100 euro and having to have one of those 'what value do you want conversations' with local agent.
As an UB customer can I ask what you are thinking of doing seeing as we have similar LTV? I have the 2.6 fixed letter at home signed but not sent.
I am also an Ulster bank customer. I have had a nightmare with them to date (drewdown 18 months ago). I moved rates 6 months back where it took me 3 months to get in place. To be fair, they did not require a valuation (despite stating that on the fixed rate pack) and moved me on to an LTV of <80%. I read about the new 4 year fixed product at 2.60%. Requested a break funding fee quote which took 3 weeks to receive as was not issued first time around. no fee on this. than requested a fixed rate pack which again was not issued on the first request. sent back in the forms on the 17th Aug however when i called yesterday they advised that this has still not been received and to call back next week.
As an UB customer can I ask what you are thinking of doing seeing as we have similar LTV? I have the 2.6 fixed letter at home signed but not sent.

Just trying to get my LTV below 60%. On the product I'm on this'll reduce our rate to 3.0% from 3.1%. So a small reduction in the interest. But if I can get it by just ticking a box in a form I'll take it.

For your 2.6% fixed rate. Have they said what rate you'll go back onto after the 4 years?