House Buying Contract Clauses


Registered User
Our solicitor is having a look through the contracts for our house purchase. (buying off plans in a new estate)
I asked if there were a standard set of clauses/conditions that our solicitor would usually attach to a contract - our solicitor told us that they typically dont add anything to the contract that it "usually all goes ok"

I had imagined that we would at least add a clause to ensure that the builder signs the contract on his end within a reasonable period of time and also perhaps some sort of getout or damages clause if the builder fails to deliver the house within a reasonable timeframe.

Am I being over carefull here? Does anyone have examples of clauses they wanted included or their solicitor included for them?
I was told I would get a free electical pack if i signed within 21 days so i asked for that to be included in the contract.

i would guess that the builder would refuse to sign if you put in a clause about completion dates.
Builders Solicitor won't let your solicitor insert clauses for your comfort unless specifically agreed between the parties. The chances of you getting a specific closing date in the contract are very slim, builders usually give themselves plenty of time to complete (18 months in most I've seen) to prevent actions by purchasers when there are delays.

A clause in a contract stating that the builder must sign his part of the contract is pointless as it requires the bulders signature on the contract for the clause to become binding on him!
thanks for the replies. It mustnt be the done thing, as only the two of ye replied!!!

Thats an interesting point Hi52 !
A friend of mine recently had his contract signed and deposit paid. The builder didnt sign it, just hung onto it. Builder finished the house, tore up the contract and put it back on the market for more cash. Luckily we are not buying from the same builder.
Once we've signed, the contract becomes binding on us, and the builder can hang onto the damn thing until he feels like signing. I want a clause which will have it lapse if the builder doesnt sign within a month or so. If he really wants the sale that should be a problem - if he is playing to see how things go, I'll know in a month rather than waiting a year.

you got a nice incentive there bigchicken!!