Honorary degree to AIB Chairman



It was interesting to read that the proposal to award an honorary degree to the outgoing chief executive of AIB has been withdrawn. Irish Times front page on 15th March.


Objectively, it could be sour grapes since

Some members took umbrage at Mr Buckley's role in the Buckley Review Group's report on third level pay.

In my personal opinion honorary degrees are a farce and should not be handed out in any circumstances. If institutions want to honour individuals there are surely a better ways than by arguably undermining students who put in several years' hard graft to get the same parchment. :|
Just for the record, Buckley is CEO of AIB, not Chairman. Dermot Gleeson is the Chairman.

Wasn't the Buckley review many moons ago? If they were still sulking about this, why did it only come up now?
To reward a CEO where the Rusnak loss of $691 million occured on his watch would bring honorary degrees into more disrepute than they already are.