homeowner assaulting burglar in own home



where would i find cases relevant to a homeowner assaulting a burglar caught in home?

what would this fall under?

would the burlar have an action against the homeowner if assaulted on street and not within property line?

any info would help.

If a homeowner assaults a burglar in his own home and causes harm then the burglar can sue.
Remember reading somewhere before of a case where the owner of a property put up barbed wire all along his wall because he had had 3 burglaries in the one year. When the next burglary happened, the burglar got caught in the barbed wire while trying to escape and did extensive damage to the nerves in his hand. he sued the owner of the property.

It's ridiculous - i'd have no problems using a baseball bat or anything i could get my hands on if someone were to break in to my home!