Holiday East Africia




I am looking at going to East Africia in August for my holidays, hoping to do 3 day safari and 7 days on the beach, all suggestions would be very welcome, best place to stay, book with etc.

Thanks in advance
well i safari'd in northern tanzania and then did a week in zanzibar in december- was a fantastic to dar es salemm, then internal flight to kilimanjaro or arusha - most safaris start from arusha or moshi (also start point for climbing kili - need a week for that though!) - 3 day safari includes ngorongoro crater, lake manyara and tanangire - you need more time to head for the serengeti as otherwise you will spend most time in the get to see nearly all animals in the above safari and its fantastic....go with a reputable tour group....check out lonely planet for recommended tour can fly from arusha to zanzibar for about 130euro - zanzibar is paradise - stone town is historic and great to ramble around, you can do a spice tour as well....northern zanzibar (nungwi..) home to the most amazing beaches, turquoise water outside your cabin- paradise.....great for diving and snorkelling too....the perfect 2 week trip.....
Moneypenny, that sounds fantastic. I have also been thinking about doing this trip... .Who did you book with? and roughly how much did the entire trip cost? I've heard that it can be quite expensive. For example, are offering a package trip for over €2100pp....!!!
i was hooking up with friends who were travelling around africa so i just booked everything on arrival!! flights were 630 euro.......internal flight from dar to kili was about 100$ i think, kili to zan was about 130$ and zan to dar was about 80$ - i stayed in lodges mainly - L' oasis lodge in arusha- usually 50 us dollars a night - managed to stay here for 15 us$ as nobody was staying in their hostel section so we were upgraded for free!....safari is about 320Us$.....nungwui, most cabins cost about $20, basic with a bathroom......again as it was off season, i had my own cabin for 12$ per night- friends paid 20$ between them.....snorkelling for a day was really cheap total my trip including spending money, flights, accomodation and tonnes of souvenirs (stone town is fantastic for paintings and wooden carvings) was 1500 euro.......
Agree with Moneypenny - sort it out yourself when you get there - it's more cost effective and makes it more flexible .... I was there about 5 years ago ... prices seem pretty consistent with what Moneypenny is quoting from last year (and given the US fall it's probably better value than ever)

Safari is cheaper in Kenya than in Tanz. as far as I recall ... I think the bargain prices for Safari were around $100pps per night for a min. of 3 nights ... and basically the sky is the limit .. some of the lodges in the safari parks are really expensive.

Great experience ... Zanzibar is very cool well worth spending a good few days there ... split between the old "Stone town" and the great beaches on the North & East coasts... skip Dar es Salaam - it's a bit of a dump in my experience

I've not been to Kenya so can't comment on that

You'll need the strong Malaria tabs etc. for Tanzania. It certainly used to be the case that visas were quite expensive for Tanz. but Irish people didn't have to pay (because we've always given bilateral aid to Tz.)