Hit from behind


Registered User
I was involved in an accident on Friday 7th last - I came to a stop in a line of traffic and was hit from behind. This pushed me into the person in front of me.The repairs / insurance issues are moving along ok, guy behind is getting an assessor to okay the quote I got for repair etc.

My question relates to my own situation, I got quite a bang from the headrest, suffice that I had to take some paracetomal about 30 mins later because of the pain. My neck now seems ok, but I have been told that problems can emerge over time. I'm not a messer who wants to sue the person who hit me for all I can get, I just want to reserve the right for the future, in case of medical bills and injuries accumulating.
Do I need to inform the guy behind me of this situation, or is it ok to sit tight and see how my neck is in time?
If my neck is ok then no problem, I won't be interested in sueing.
However if I do have pain etc can I then pursue this party at some stage in the future?

Thanks for your help.
I was in this situation a few years ago and got my GP to check me out.
He said I was fine and I've had no problems since - but I wonder whether a doctor
can really predict the future.....
Get a full doctor's report and, when you accept (or not) the damages sum agreed by the insurers, inform the guy behind in writing (N.B.) of what you've told us here, tell him to inform his insurer that you're adding the cost of the doctor's visit + report to the settlement figure, reassure him that you don't foresee any future problems and have no intentions of acting the mick, etc. But don't sign anything from his insurance company about accepting this payment in "full and final settlement". And make sure the doctor's report includes the details you've mentioned about needing a painkiller 30 mins later, plus any other subsequent discomfort, etc.

It's nice to see someone behaving so honourably in this kind of situation, but you do have to cover yourself too, and laying a little bit of a paper trail is the least you should do. Afaik there is some legal upper time limit on subsequent personal injury "comeback" claims, but I can't recall exactly what it is...

Hope the neck is better soon!
hi i was involved in a car accident almost 4 months ago,i was the innocent party,i.e sitting at traffic lights when a car hit me head on but this car was hit by another car so now the person that is actually in the wrong wont accept liability,my car was a write off but insurance will not accept this but said they will pay to have my car repaired. Now 4 months later somebody should really b sorting me out by now and still nothing,
Not only my car problem but I was injured,i spent 3nights in hospital, broke my nose fractured my skull and sever whiplash to my neck and back,I was out of work for over 3months,have started physio and my physiotherapist has informed me that I will need physio for the rest of my life, now if thats not serious i dont know what is,and yet again I cant claim until the person in the wrong admitts its all his fault. My main query is as I am permanently damaged and pobably have to give up my permanent job as its a driving job and getting in and out of the car a lot throughout the day,which kills me.I want to sue him but dont know if i can do this without him admitting liability. Obviously i have a solicitor but havnt had time to go to him in a while as im busy as im back to work and with loosing 3month have alot of catching up and earning to be doing.
Can anybody please advise me on this issue please
Aislingkelly, You need professional advice on how to proceed. Visit your solicitor.
go to your doctor straight away.as far as i know you have 3years to claim after an accident if proceedures were put in place
Any claims must now go to the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB). You can hire a solicitor to guide you through the process, however the idea is that you shouldn't need one. If you are unhappy with PIABs decision you can then go down the courts/solicitor route.