


Hi I would be grateful for any imput and I will try to keep it short.My mam has alzheimers and I have power of attorny for her.She has 1 brother who has no contact with us due to family argument years ago.
I put in on mams behalf a claim for the mineworkers compensation 2 years ago, and a year ago recieved a letter asking if I had any letters of administration or grant of probate. I replied that I did not. My granda died 30 years ago leaving no will and no assetts and was survived by my gran.
My uncle (mams brother) has been turning up at a elderly aunts and said he has been paid out on his claim.
I informed our solicitor and he investigated I got a letter back from him saying the coal board had paid out as the 3rd party (uncle) had a grant of probate though he was making enquiries into this.
I would like to know what to do, the solicitor is on the case but should I ask him to act for mam as a client to see if something can be done.
If uncle has got probate for this claim as I am sure this is the case wont he have had to declare my mother as his sister, and what if he hasnt, is that perjury.
I am so angry with it all and it is taking so long, please help, give me a glimmer of hope.