help required re loan mess

My original post was to see if anyone had any advice for me as this is not normal banking practise.

Well you are certainly right, it is not normal. But it may well mean that the bank are only just starting to discover that perhaps someone got up to some mischief inside the bank....

If that is the case then it will take sometime to sort out, the best approach is to keep up the dialog and also ask for a moratorium on the loan until the situation is settled.
So I got a final response letter from the bank today, and a sort of round about apology. they have agreed to refund me the five so called missed payments and the loan ceases with immediate effect as they have deemed it to be paid in full, which is what I have argued all along. they have also agreed to refund me the fees of 12.70 I was charged each time. they accept that errors occurred on their part. this letter comes completely out of the blue and I have no idea why after arguing with them for the best part of the last two months. I can only assume they uncovered something on their side they do not want me to be made aware of or brought further, but im happyish, I get money back that I overpaid and I do not owe them any more money which they had insisted I not sorry to see the end of this stupid saga. thanks all for your input. Crazy stuff.