Help needed re rights over joint mortgage


Registered User
Hi ladies and gents, There is a long complicated story behind the reasons for the question. Needless to say I need help. I know I need to seek legal representation but cannot currently afford to. I left the ex marital home for financial reasons, which were not resolved so I was declared bankrupt, my ex paid the insolvency practioner (at I be a below value) my half of the equity, he now wishes to remortgage and is asking that I sign to remove my name off the deeds, there has been no full and final settlement. Am I legally obliged to do so?
You will need legal advice on this, but I don't think you have any say in this matter.

When you went bankrupt, your property vested in the Official Assignee. He will decide what happens, not you. He probably has to get the High Court approval to sell your share of the home to your ex, but that should be routine.

Thank you for your response. What I dont understand is if I now have no claim why was my name not removed by the receiver once they received payment?