Help around JB/JSA entitlement


Registered User

I believe I am going to be losing my job in the next 2 months through redundancy, circa the start of June. I would like to figure out what payments I made be entitled to, until I can find a new job.
I will not receive a redundancy payment.

I am currently in full-time employment earning 45k per year and have been paying full PAYE/PRSI since 2006.

I am married, with two young children, 1 year old and 2 year old.

My wife is employed on a permanent full-time basis, earning €72,000/year.

On this basis, will I be entitled to JB or JSA? Or any other form of payment?

Thanks for any help,

Hi Dave,

Thanks for that. My biggest worry and one I can't seem to find an answer to is if JB is means tested? More-so, if my wife's earnings at €72k will preclude me from any social welfare allowance? I am afraid of losing the job and receiving €0 from social welfare.


Jobseekers benefit is not means tested, you will get that anyway for 9 months approx, after that though if you haven't found a job you move to jobseekers allowance which is means tested and with your wifes earnings yes it's unlikely you would get that.
Jobseekers Benefit is not means-tested for the person who makes the claim, but it is means-tested for additional payments for spouse/partner and child(ren).
Read the section "Claiming for Dependants with Jobseekers Benefit" in the webpage that 1dave123 linked to above. It's likely that you would only be entitled to Jobseekers Benefit for yourself - the current maximum rate is €193 p week.