heavy/insulating curtains


Registered User
Hi all. I'm looking for a pair of curtains for the sitting room - it's a cold room, not dry lined and could do with all the insulation we can give it. Any recommendations for shops or online purchases would be great
Dia duit, a Spéirbhean. On our kitchen window we have a large Venetian blind. It's wood effect but is actually made of metal and it really seems to keep in the heat at night and in the morning in the kitchen when fully closed. If we open it or pull it up, we can notice a drop in temperature.

I presume this ties in with the principle of the metal coating on the inner pane of a K-glass window whereby the heat generated in the house is reflected back into the room.

blinds with curtains over them?

I've found it difficult to get heavy curtains - are they out of fashion? - unless you pick the material and get them made specially, which is expensive.
Try Arnotts. I bought a pair of 90X90 curtains there recently. They are fully lined and the curtain material itself is very heavy. The radiator is under the window and no heat gets into the room unless the curtains are open. And they only cost €100
For less than €40 per 90x90 I bought black out linings (they're white, if that makes sense) - they're quite heavy, and hang behind my "normal" curtains - they seem to keep in a fair bit of heat, certainly more than my curtains alone did.

No sewing required - just put the curtain hook through both sets of curtains.