VHI health steps. still exist?


Registered User
hi all,
My moms health insurance renewal came yesterday and its daylight robbery, so much so that now as a 67 year old she is saying she is finished paying it as she cannot afford it, just when she might actually need it, its beyond expensive, she is a widowed pensioned who thankfully is in good health apart from the odd ache and pain.
She is on Healthsteps excess plus but while trying to copare it on the HIA website i cannot seem to find that plan at all in the VHI plans. Has it changed its title? or would anyone know of what plan would suit her better? with no waiting times for changing?
Healthsteps Excess Plus isn't a plan name.

VHI have probably sold her Healthplus Excess and Healthsteps seperately. The Healthsteps plans are listed in the HIA's outpatient plans at the bottom of the comparison tool page.

If she wants to stay with VHI, the plan 'PMI 36 13' is worth considering. Similar cover including good outpatient cover. Price; 1175pa.
Another option is called 'PMI 37 13, similar hospital cover but with NO outpatient cover. Price; 1011pa.
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Laya Healthcare also has a plan called 'Simply Connect' price 999pa, similar hospital cover, including outpatient cover.
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Regards, Snowyb