Health screening appointment "invitation"


Registered User
Hi I received "appointment invitation" letter today and just wanted to alert others. The letter is quite long four A4 pages long and gives a detailed outline of various blood tests etc which will be carried out as well as cardiac tests, lung tests and a circulation test, all for 149 euro. Includes are claims from grateful customers. What first alarmed me was that the testing is carried out at a hotel and the letter is signed by a person who has no medical qualifications. Closer inspection reveals that some blood tests are done by finger prick analysis and the ECG is done with only four electrodes. After googling the company I found a few reviews in the UK which state that the testing is not even done by a nurse but by a person who has no medical background. Information is returned to an office and a report is produced later for the patient. I would like to point out to readers that all blood tests offered in this screening are available through a GP (via venepuncture) as is a proper 12 lead ECG, the standard screening test for cardiac issues. Detailed lung function tests which would be needed to diagnose any significant pulmonary problem would generally only be available in a properly equipped hospital pulmonary function laboratory. Anyway I think vulnerable individuals might be led to believe that this service offers something over and above what is available at their GP surgery when in fact it would appear to be lacking on several fronts. I won't name the company but I think this is questionable practice. I don't know how they got my name and address.
I think I got something similar in an unnamed\unaddressed envelope along with fast food menus recently... as did everyone on the street I imagine.
I had this test a few years ago, there was some test for preventative measures that would not routinely be done with a GP ie caratoid blockage, anoirism of the main artery etc.