Health Insurance Health insurance recommendation for young healthy family


New Member
Hello everyone

I'm looking for health insurance for my family. I'm Australian and have recently moved to Ireland with my Irish husband and children. My goodness, let me just say irish insurance companies don't make things easier for their customers do they? I'm being a bit overwhelmed by all the policies available and the jargons...

A little background for us. I'm 36 and husband is 39. Two children are 2 and 5. Luckily we are all healthy and fit (non smokers). We are based in Tipperary but closer to Limerick and Clare.

Husband's always had health insurance covered by VHI (piggybacked off his parents). I've canceled my private health insurance when we moved to Ireland. Anyway, i'm looking for a new cover after hearing from friends that private insurance is recommended specially we have young children. What i understand is, if they have accidents and injuries, they will be seen by the public A&E anyway at little/no cost. It's more for scans and checks up WHEN/IF they need it? (My friend's 5 year old recently developed a headache that didn't go away, and luckily she had the children covered and he was seen by a specialist within weeks and had CT scans quickly. If she hadn't had this, she said the wait for things like these could be 9-12 months wait. It's things like that i'm looking to get covered for.

As we are in generally good health, we rarely have the needs to see the GPs. But i think it's good to have that extra protection should our circumstances change and we will have access to the consultation/treatments without having to wait for a long time. We don't mind paying more excess to lower the premiums.

My research from the forum showed that it's cheaper to take out covers for the children separately; but when i tried to do that on the VHI website, it doesn't allow me to do that. Has this changed in recent years?

The other cover i've looked at and think it'd suit us is Simply Connect by Laya. Any recommendations/suggestions would be greatly received. Thank you!

Hi umck2014,

There are some issues you should be aware of if taking out health insurance for the first time in Ireland.

1. Lifetime Community Rating: A loading of 2% of the gross premium will apply for every year of age higher than age 34 that an individual has attained when they first purchase inpatient private health insurance after 30 April 2015. This loading may apply for a maximum period of 10 years.

2. New Customer Waiting Periods: When you take out health insurance for the first time you may have to serve waiting periods before you are fully covered, but accident and injury will be covered immediately.

So the sooner you take out private health insurance the better it is for you.

More information on both these issues is available on the Health Insurance Authority's website ,

With regard to specific policies I note you make reference to Laya's Simply Connect. This is a very good plan that is hard to beat at it's price point, €1361 per person per annum. The major selling point with this plan is that it fully covers knee/hip replacements. However if Orthopaedics are not an issue for you I suggest you give some consideration to LAYA's Inspire at €1220. It basically offers more or less the same cover as Simply Connect, however, specified orthopaedic and ophthalmic procedures incur a 20% shortfall.

You can have the children on a different plan with the same provider. Further savings can be made by placing them on Inspire Plus at € 298 per annum per child.

You say that your husband is currently with the VHI. PMI 52 10 (€1218), PMI 53 10 (€1350) and PMI 07 10 (€1311) are all worthy of serious consideration. Be aware that specified orthopaedic and ophthalmic procedures incur a 20% shortfall with these plans also.

I hope this is helpful.

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Thank you Riomhaire for the response. That's great certainly a lot of things to consider. Yes i'm looking to take out a cover asap. I'm more inclined to go with Laya but will have a good look at those plans at VHI too.