Have You Used These Brokers?


Registered User

I am beginning the process of applying for an equity release mortgage from my fully-paid off property. Mine is a non-standard situation as I am now living in the UK and have irregular income (bar rental income), so I am considering going through a broker.

Has anyone got any opinions on the following brokers who I have made initial contact with?

IFG Mortgages
Simply Mortgages
Guardian Financial
Blueskies Mortgages

I am also considering contacting REA as they got good reports on this forum. I will also be contacting NIB separately, as brokers don't appear to deal with them. Does anyone know why this is?

Thanks in advance,

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yes i work in life assurance and deal with bluje skies alot
they are very reputable and do a good job
also deal with guardian and rea
I used primafinance and found them excellent,saved me loads but you have to do everything by Post.