has anyone ever given up a reasonably paying secure job for an €8 an hour job?


Registered User
..given up a reasonably paying secure job, (just under €30,000 a year),that they feel is pushing them over the edge for an €8 an hour job that's in the new field they want to go into it, and not regretted it?
Re: has anyone ever...

moneygrower said:
..given up a reasonably paying secure job, (just under €30,000 a year),that they feel is pushing them over the edge for an €8 an hour job that's in the new field they want to go into it, and not regretted it?
I've just taken a substantial cut in salary to move from public sector to a private sector position. It was primarily a work/life balance decision, to allow me to spend more time at home and less time in work. Happily, I'm a good bit away from €8 per hour, but I've still had to deal with a substantial cut.
Re: has anyone ever...

I've just taken a substantial cut in salary to move from public sector to a private sector position

This must a first

Re: has anyone ever...

Oops - should have been other way round - private to public!
Re: has anyone ever...

I always thought that public sector employees got paid far more than their private sector counterparts, especially if they've been in the job a few years.

To answer the question, AFOAF gave up a high paying bank job (doing software development) to work in a bar outside of Dublin. Last report is that they have no regrets.

If you feel the job is 'pushing you over the edge', then you should certainly go for it, before you do go over the edge. You probably find that you can change your lifestyle to consume less, and 'fit in' to your new income.
Re: has anyone ever...

If you feel that you are going over the edge (and I'm not sure how seriously you meant that comment or if you were just using it as a turn of phrase) then you should make sure that you are not mistakenly attributing this situation the job alone or in the main rather than other contributory factors. You could end up making a rash decision with long term consequences that does not address the underlying issue(s) after all. If in doubt try to talk it over with a trusted contact/friend.

If you did mean the over the edge comment seriously then feel free to post more details seeking advice or else consider contacting a suitable source of assitance (including the Samaritans).
Re: has anyone ever...

I gave up a €30,000 job too have to say I was getting fed up of the area I was in. I couldn't bear the thought of this been my career for the rest of my life. Went back to college to studying something I have always been interested in. Took a part-time job that pays a little over minimum wage. The first year it was hard adjusting to the drop in earnings but I love what I am doing. I don't dread the thought of getting up and going to college or my part-time job like I used to when I worked my other job.

My advise is to think long and hard about the financial implications of your decision. Also i found it very hard to find part-time work because I was so overqualified so if you notice yourself having this problem 'dumb down' the CV....it works.
Re: has anyone ever given up a reasonably paying secure job for an €8 an hour job?

Thanks Sandrabing that's really helpfull. One of the reasons I think I might be happier is that I never minded not having a bean in college cause I liked what I was doing.
By the by, over the edge meant that I feel so f**ked over in my job that it's causing me a lot of stress and leaving me feel depressed. Other aspects of my life are pretty great, suhc as I have a loving supportive husband, which is why I feel it's a practical issue rather than one of underlying issues, though perhaps underlying issues are the reason I have put up with this so long. I feel sure a change of job is the answer I'm just afraid of jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
Re: has anyone ever given up a reasonably paying secure job for an €8 an hour job?

moneygrower said:
it's causing me a lot of stress and leaving me feel depressed.
If this is the case then you should seek advice from your GP about this. If you are really suffering from depression, whatever the cause(s), then you need to seek medical attention.
Re: has anyone ever given up a reasonably paying secure job for an €8 an hour job?


I did this too - total U-turn in my career and started my new career path. Went from 45k to 20k & went back to college to qualify in my new chosen field a year later. When changing jobs I made sure I had no outstanding debts and some savings for big expenses like holidays, weddings etc to get me used to the lower salary & reduced spending.

I changed about 4 years ago & I don't regret a thing! Sadly, it doesn't make getting up any easier, but I'm way happier now I'm doing a job I love!!
Re: has anyone ever given up a reasonably paying secure job for an €8 an hour job?

Moneygrower, I too left a job that made me miserable 6 years ago. I had no job to go to, worked part-time in a restaurant for 2 months earning something like 4 quid an hour until I landed the job I'm in. The day I handed in my notice was one of the best days of my life. It was a huge weight off my shoulders and I went home that night feeling exhilerated. I have no regrets and would do it again if the same circumstances arose. Go for it, if you don't like what you chose to do next you can always go back to your current field in a different organisation or in a slightly different role. Best of luck
Re: has anyone ever given up a reasonably paying secure job for an €8 an hour job?

Thanks folks, this is just what I wanted to hear!
Clubman I appreciate your concern but I know myself well and I'm not in need of medical help, just a change of career. Thanks.
Re: has anyone ever...

umop3p!sdn said:
I always thought that public sector employees got paid far more than their private sector counterparts, especially if they've been in the job a few years.
New joiners to the public sector start at the bottom of the scale. But even apart from that, there was a considerable drop for me. But I'm probably getting paid about the same hourly rate - just working a lot less hours!
If there was a job I thought I would love I would definitely take a pay cut to do so......... You only live once & there is no point in spending so much time doing something you hate..........

But for me .... I can't think of anything I would actually enjoy doing & while I don't love my job, and sometimes I hate my job, most days I feel quite neutral about it
Re: has anyone ever given up a reasonably paying secure job for an €8 an hour job?

moneygrower said:
Thanks folks, this is just what I wanted to hear!
Clubman I appreciate your concern but I know myself well and I'm not in need of medical help, just a change of career. Thanks.
Fair enough but people suffering from stress and depression may not know or admit it. You have posted enough about these issues to make me, for one, concerned that this is something you should consult with your GP about. Feel free to take or leave my suggestions.
Re: has anyone ever given up a reasonably paying secure job for an €8 an hour job?

You can be stressed and/or depressed in a certain situation or because of the situation in question but once you remove yourself from it the feelings evaporate. If they don't, then seek advice.
My point is that one could be stressed/depressed and, due to the problems that this can cause with correct analysis/perception/cognition of the situation, might mistakenly identify something (e.g. one's job) as the cause and then find that having acted to change this (e.g. pack in a "good" job for a lower paid or unskilled one) find that the problem persists and one could then be in an even worse situation...

Or maybe the problem is that people use the terms stress and depression too casually to refer to less serious cases of discomfort or unhappiness?