HAP Tenant offers to buy their rented property

Whatever about the rights and wrongs that someone with the means to purchaser a property should also be eligible for State supports while renting, it shouldn't be a surprise. The ESRI reported on this last year.

Depending on your chosen metric anywhere between a third and more than half of renter's get some kind of government support. Apparently 20% of the supports go to those in the top half of the income distribution.
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Maybe I am too black and white here but it seems bizarre that once accepted for HAP, you are not reassessed for eleibility. So you qualify at under threshold and income doubles and you continue to be eligible.
HAP eligibility for a single person in Dublin is below about €54k gross.

So if they double their income to €108k gross they will be contributing an extra €28k or so in taxes.

Which covers the cost of their HAP and then some.
All that does is inflate prices. It doesn't actually help. Back in my day it was called the 1st Time Buyers grant.
It doesn't really. It was designed to incentivise builders to build. And it has done that in Dublin. But I think if it was removed prices would stay where they are.
HAP eligibility for a single person in Dublin is below about €54k gross.

So if they double their income to €108k gross they will be contributing an extra €28k or so in taxes.

Which covers the cost of their HAP and then some.
This is entirely false. HAP eligibility is determined on qualification for social housing, which in turn depends on income, which in Fingal, for example is 40k for a single applicant. And it depends on the landlord agreeing to it for a sitting tenant. Most landlords I know just don't want HAP tenants, for whatever reasons they have. Plus unless such a tenant is homeless, which an earner on 40k is unlikely to be, the limit for such a tenant renting an entire unit is 660pcm.

In proactive most HAP tenants are either long term social welfare recipients or people who have come off long term social welfare in recent years, who are on comparatively low family incomes.

It does make sense to give it to working families - I had neighbours who I presume were on HAP, who had one child who had a disability and needed a lot of care, so they had to work locally & only one parent could work. It made a lot of sense in their case. But honestly, such families should be a priority on the housing list too.
He sounds nice.
This is entirely false. HAP eligibility is determined on qualification for social housing, which in turn depends on income, which in Fingal, for example is 40k for a single applicant.
How is it false? 40k net in Fingal (which is Dublin) is about 54k gross.