Hanging With Hector



Watched the show last night. Very enjoyable (how funny was the ambassador in Paris?).

I thought An Taoiseach, ahem... Bertie came out of it very well. Didn't say a whole lot but was clever with what he said.

Anyway, just wondering what anyone else thought of Bertie's performance. Anyone opposed to him doing the show?

Next up (hopefully) .. George Bush hanging with Hector!!
Reminds me of ...

The title of the show is a little unfortunate as the phrase "well hung" comes to mind. In answer to whether Bertie should be hanging with Hector it makes a change from the racehorse.
Can stand

I cannot stand this repugnant twit , he is the stereotypical Bogger. Irish,ginger haired, with catch phrases like "howse it goin girdles", "im real Maaad".

Guys like him are ten a penny and if the media thinks he represents the ' Youth of Today' well then they may as well bring back Angus McEnally (sic) on a Saturday morning.
Re: Can stand


Ok, so the guy can be annoying (I would have hit him if I was sitting anywhere near him in Croker) but he does have that happy knack of finding an equal level with people and getting a converstaion going. Of course, sometimes he overplayes the 'gombeen' act but I think it's a clever way of getting some people to speak with him.

I thought it made for interesting TV (notice how McDowell blanked Hector completely!) which gave us some small insight into the normally 'closed-shop' of planet Bertie.
Re: Can stand

I thought it was a very strange concept when I saw the trailer. I was sure it was a joke to publicise Hectors latest thing, or one of those weird reverse-publicity things like the Fine Gael Snail.

I thought - surely the elected leader of the country wouldn't do a program like this. Maybe a 3 minute slot for a charity thing or something, but not a full program.

I didn't see the program, so I can't comment on whether it was appropriate or not, but it did seem strange . . . what next George Bush and the MTV crew ?

Re: from dam:

Frequent poster
Posts: 193
(10/9/04 10:59 am)
Reply | Edit | Del All Hangin' with Hector
Did anybody watch "Hangin' with Hector" last night. Is it appropirate for any elected representative, let alone an Taoiseach, to take part in such a programme. I did find it amusing in parts but an Taoiseach downing Bass and acting the joker seems just a bit much. Oul Zero made himself look like a tool, as per...

Unregistered User
(10/9/04 11:27 am)
Reply | Edit | Del In fact eh . .

I thought Bertie came across very well. Can you imagine John Bruton, Garret Fitzgerald or whoever it is that leads the opposition these days coming across as relaxed and down to earth as the Teflon Taoiseach did ?

I thought the comparison to Tony Soprano was very good indeed ! Good on yes both Bertie and Hector

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Posts: 418
(10/9/04 2:03 pm)
Reply | Edit | Del Re: In fact eh . .
Thought it was great & that Bertie came across well - it was like showing us a side of bertie that no one ever sees. maybe Hector has a knack of doing that though.

Best part had to be just before the match in Croker where they were going into a lift yet someone shouts out 'Howya Hector' - Bertie was ignored yet he gave hector a pat on the back.


Sept 04
Unregistered User
(10/9/04 2:10 pm)
Reply | Edit | Del Bertie
agree with Hobbit and Ninsaga - I am not particularly anti Bertie but I wouldn't rush to watch a programme on it. Watched the first few minutes out of curiousity and then got into it. I thought it was good to see him in a different light. I wouldn't turn the other way if I saw him now.
What about Chirac pushing the ambassador out of the way for the photo opportunity with Bertie? The poor man didn't know what to do with himself!

gg wrote:
"I cannot stand this repugnant twit , he is the stereotypical Bogger. Irish,ginger haired, with catch phrases like "howse it goin girdles", "im real Maaad".

Guys like him are ten a penny and if the media thinks he represents the ' Youth of Today' well then they may as well bring back Angus McEnally (sic) on a Saturday morning. "

whats wrong with being a 'bogger' gg? Should we all go around dressed and sounding like we're from south Dublin, where the accent is fast morphing into a 'shires' accent from the south of England? Is he embarrassing you or would you rather that type of irish carry on disappeared?

I like Hector. He's got a unique way of doing things on TV and is a laugh. He'll never present the 9 o'clock news with his accent and looks, but maybe thats a good thing....to be sure, to be sure....

"Whats wrong with being a Bogger" , there is nothing wrong with being a Bogger, if being a Bogger is your sort of thing, welll get on with it.

By the way, the Shires dialect certainly in no way resembles the Dublin language. For your information i am from the Northside, Bud.

I do find it semi interesting how you are absorbed by what is clearly an unfunny bafoon , laughing at his Irooishness , certainly he plays it up. Colin Farrel has quite a similar angle on his persona , playing the hard nut from Dublin, but his creditials where far from hard times.

But the ever gullible Joe Public and all dhat....
re hector

I thought the show was hilarious. It reminds me of when Dermot Morgan and Mike Murphy were on television you never knew what would happen next. I thought it very interesting when the ministers were arriving for the cabinet meeting the way some of them engaged him and the way McDowel ignored him. He reminds of the clowning Paddys that were all over London, Boston and New York 10 years ago before the Celtic Tiger. Of course he probably grates on the nouveau post celtic tiger Dublin4 Irish who can stand anything that reminds them of their roots. But these are the Paddys that the Yanks have been coming here for years to try and meet. Unfortunately they are a dying breed.

I think hector can be very annoying.. but I dont think he is half the fool he lets on to be. come on give the guy a chance. he is doing ok for himself.
I thought he was very funny on "the panel" when asked if he made love in irish... anyone see that?
Re: hector

I tend to class the "I hate Hector" crowd in the same category as those who dislike Dunphy, or Kenny or Gaybo or whoever.
Hector is incredibly successful in this country for one reason - most people warm to him. He's extremely popular - both in the country and in Dublin. I like the guy myself. Yes...part of his act is a little put on but he's not in the same league of obnoxiousness/pretentiousness as that gobsh*te Farrell.

As for Bertie doing the show...isn't it really, really obvious why he did it? Aren't politicians desperate to get young people into the polling booths!! The future of politics will mean politicians becoming more and more human and being less and less aloof. That's what's going to happen. Many British politicians have already embraced this idea.