Guerrilla Gardening


Registered User
Hi All

Our estate has a large area that hasn't been developed (who's hasn't) and it doesn't look like it will be any time soon. Its been left covered in hardcore/piles of stone etc etc. As it is only about a third of an acre and not really all that attractive I'm thinking of doing a bit of Guerrilla planting to brighten it up a bit. It's also not actually accessible so the space won't be used as such, just looked at.

Do people have any recommendations on plants (grasses/flowers/bushes/trees/etc) that would be native and fairly easy to harvest the seeds of locally and that would take well, grow quite vigorously and be relatively attractive? It's already got a few plants growing across it so I figured a few more 'self sets' wouldn't do any harm.

I'll probably put each seed into a handful of compost to give it a start although advice on planting would be also appreciated too.

Thanks guys...

Not an expert by any means but these are the type of plants I see growing regularly in some unkept spaces:
I am constantly pulling up little ash trees that seem to pop up everywhere. Perhaps you could start with a few of those. You'll find saplings everywhere and they take very easily.
For colour, you could look at planting some daffodils and snow drops.
There are some nice dogwoods (e.g. Cornus alba) that are vigorous growers and will fill a space quickly. Nice red bark in the autumn too.
There's also wild geranium. It grows like hell. I took a cutting last year and the plant is now 18 inches in diameter and has lovely blue/purple flowers.
Might also be worth planting heather in between the blocks and rubble.
You could try montbretia. Grows all over the south and west of Ireland in roadside ditches. Lovely green leaves against orange flowers.
Try Buddelia (butterfly bush), the butterflies will love it and it will grow really easily. Mountain Ash (Rowan tree) a very hardy native tree. Fuschia (the wild one which grows naturally in alot of hedgerows in Ireland. Montbretia, Dog Rose and Mallow would also be good choices. Good luck with your project, I'd love to find such a place to kidnap!