Greenman retail again


Registered User
There are some very different views in different threads on the forum about Greenman Retail fund (NB this is *not* Green REIT...) and I wondered if anyone else wants to chip in? I'll summarise, and give the links at the end of the post.

- Vincent thinks it's quite a good balance of risk and reward if you have the 125k minimum investment for the initial year.
- Brendan thinks that it's buoyed up by high commission to brokers and slightly misleading on its risk as the ESMA rating does not in fact apply - governed by Central Bank Ireland so a problem if it goes bad.
- Jim thinks all Irish property investment vehicles without exception are too small to provide any kind of reasonable risk diversification
- Stephen thinks it is misleading regarding risk v reward and has a risk of being "illiquid".

I'm an ignoramus, though I've read the threads and the available information from Greenman.
Are there other investments that would provide better diversification, and if so how much less is the reward? I think the time period of the investment will be 5-10 years.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts - or is it all covered already?