Greek debt write-off -What about us?

The implication of your comments are that Ireland could effectively repay Euro borrowings on a 1 for 1 par value with a new devalued currency. Greece therefore could redeem their debt by extensively devaluing the "new Drachma" and repay in Drachmas rather than Euros. I acknowledge that anything is possible in the world of macroeconomics but this I fear is unlikely. Albeit it would be a great solution for us

First time post, very interesting debate. I am from Spain living in Dublin and I think very soon Spain will have a debate on a referendum just likes Greece. I listened to a radio programme late last night and there was interesting contributors about if Ireland should have a referendum. Some person had set up a facebook page on this topic and most people who posted said yes. Do you think Ireland should have a referendum on the bail out?

"Do you think Ireland should have a referendum on the bail out?"
The difficulty with this type of referendum is that a decision is made based on "populist" rather than "informed" opinions. I.e. Those who would not support a bail out or austerity would find it very easy to gain popularity. The alternative view would be difficult to sell to a mass audience. Ie such as "Its Frankfurts way or Labours way". When Gilmore entered Government he discovered that empty rhetoric may help in winning an election but subsequently reality does bite.

Would you ever expect the 'turkeys' to vote for Christmas? No offence, it's a common expression here and it means you won't vote for what disadvantages you.
I think Ireland should be allowed to vote on a referendum, it would make the Government stronger if they had the courage to negotiate with the EU. Also, the Government would have to explain fully the implications of both a yes vote and a no vote. Irish people are very intelligent and take grate offence at being regarded as too stupid to understand what they are voting on. See what happened last week with one of the referendums Apart from forums like this and others like Twitter and Facebook, there has been no public debate on this topic.