Govt plan to offer tax incentives to landlords

The article isn’t particularly insightful to be fair.

What they seem to be hinting at is a special tax rate for (say) a 5 year lease or a 10 year lease.

Perhaps 30% instead of 40%?
It will of limited benefit. What % of total renters actually want a 5 or 10 year lease?
I'd also wonder what % of landlords would be willing to offer it even with a small improvement in the tax take.
I don't expect anything substantial on this to be honest. The Govt needs to allow the landlord treat the transaction as a business transaction pure and simple.

What other business is expected to continue providing a service when not getting paid knowing full well they will never get paid even if they take a tenant to court and win.

Unless the Govt have some radical plan I don't hold out much hope for this sound bite. Based on my own views I would not hold my breathe on this.
The report doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The suggestions mooted sound complex and a lot more difficult to implement than some alternatives eg a more generous capital allowances for renovations. I suspect half-baked PR spin.