Got planning permission with no objections - neighbour wont give access to her garden

Re: Got planning permission with no objections - neighbour wont give access to her ga

Ryanair don't owe you anything - there are limits to how much you own.
(There was a case involving an aircraft going around taking pictures of people's houses and then trying to sell them to the owners - some guy sued saying they were trespassing - if I remember correctly he lost. In any case the principle was enunciated in that case)

On the other hand - you can prevent guys swinging the top of a crane over your land - there was a court case on that regarding the building of the Jervis centre.

So basically you own usable amounts of space above your land.
Re: Got planning permission with no objections - neighbour wont give access to her ga

if you were to plaster while hoisted off the ground ?!?

AND not drop any of it on the ground (aka her Curtilage) then you are utterly correct dude

were you to plaster a bit of the wall at the top, very carefully, she may get the hint that you would like to finish it . A semi plastered wall looks worse than a plastered wall any day
you could also move your block wall in to your side by a few inches and then use cladding-it dont have to be pretty,you wont be looking at it and it will be waterproof
we used to live in a terraced older house and one of our neighbours was on a 5 year plan when we moved in and a 10 year plan by the time we had left..he/we put up a garden wall.all ok.the after we left he put on a kitchen extension and never bothered to plaster the part of it that would have been facing into our property.. the new owners of our place then decided to sell and offered to plaster the unsightly piece adn pay for the job but the wife next door said no it was fine the way it was ...unbeliveable.. as far as i know it's still like that..5 years on.. so it can work both ways really
Re: Got planning permission with no objections - neighbour wont give access to her ga

we used to live in a terraced older house and one of our neighbours was on a 5 year plan
You lived next door to Stalin!?
Re: Got planning permission with no objections - neighbour wont give access to her ga

Build using a cavity wall and put brick on the outside. No need for plastering or entry to the neighbour's side of the wall. Problem solved.?
How do they get access to lay the brick facing? Can you lay brick facing first and then the blocks inside or do you always have to do it the other way around?
You would lay them both at the same time. A good suggestion indeed - a bit of lateral thinking!
Re: Got planning permission with no objections - neighbour wont give access to her ga

Build using a cavity wall and put brick on the outside. No need for plastering or entry to the neighbour's side of the wall. Problem solved.?

Why bother facing the neighbours side of the wall in an expensive brick? Build cavity wall in blockwork and leave the external face unfinished.
Re: Got planning permission with no objections - neighbour wont give access to her ga

Do not use an expensive brick! There are some awful bricks to be had! Ever see yellow ones? Or the grey Dept of Education ones!
Re: Got planning permission with no objections - neighbour wont give access to her ga

It wouldn't comply with planning anyway if it was specified as plaster finish in Application and built as brick.
Well we went back to our engineers and he has suggested to us that we move the wall in one foot from its original position - It can be built from the inside up using pre finished bricks - apparently this will not allow any dampness in but will not look particularly nice from her side.

We do not need revised planning permission which is great. We are proceeding on this basis.

My neighbour has not responded to me at all about the discussion which I had with her last week - giving her all the concessions.

I can do no more. - hopefully building work will start next week as planned and all will go well. I know that I have given in a foot of my new upstairs bedroom but engineer has said that there is nothing she can do about it at all . I have given her the option of having it plastered and painted before my building work is completed. I dont want her coming back two months after I am finshed.

Thanks all for all the suggestions - some are a bit nuts !! but thanks anyway.
If you're going with brick maybe she'd change her mind if she can have a nice brick finish on her side and then you could go out to the original building line? Worth a shot.
Why don't you offer your neighbour some money to access her property? Consider it paying for her inconvenience ... it might be cheaper in the long run.