Google mapping

The drag the map with your mouse way of navigating really is a major improvement on other map sites.
It's very much lacking in detail though. The maps at [broken link removed] are far more detailed, but have a poorer navigation interface.
Dearg Doom said:
It's very much lacking in detail though. The maps at [broken link removed] are far more detailed, but have a poorer navigation interface.

How in the name of god do you chane the scale?
Like I said, poorer navigation! :) You can zoom in and out with the scale on the bottom, but you're restricted to a small map or an ever so slightly larger map. It only works with cookies enabled too. Well done Fluid Rock! :/
The maps are grand but the google address search only seem to work for the uk. Do a search for 'Tralee' and you get a handfull of addresses in UK in which the words feature.
AJP, You got a problem with Tralee Court Southwark .. Sore i ow may!

DD The resolution isn't up to scratch. The google brings me down to street level for say Tralee while this one reallly only brings me to Town level. I think it doesn't like me and will resolve down further for others.

If you're ever travelling in UK I recommend enter the two postcodes and watch the graphics (I'd say you need broadband) would love this for Ireland.
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