Good time for buying furniture??


Registered User
Have looked up previous posts on locations to buy new furniture (kitchen table, chairs, bed, 3 piece suite)

Is now a good time of the year to buy this sort of stuff or are the prices jacked up for Christmas?

Is a warehouse style outlet the best place to buy?
I have never personally noticed prices being jacked up inthe run-up to Christmas,
but I have got some real bargains in January over the years.
A few shops seem to have sales on at the moment, so there might currently be a lull
before the madness that is the Christmas shopping season.
I wouldn't say prices are increased coming up to Christmas, but it is a busy period for most furniture shops.

In Gereral January is a good month to buy as there are lots of sales on.
Good to do your homework before hand though so you have an Idea on the prices before hand.
