good time for buying funds?


Registered User
i have done a search, but dont get an answer to my question. generally speaking, when markets are depressed, is it a good time to buy into new funds eg.(rabo, quinn.) i know that markets could fall even further, but is it better to buy now than lets say 2 months ago.
Well that has to be a no brainer,buy now when its cheaper or buy 2 months ago when you got less units for the same money ?
I've had a pretty strange few weeks investmentwise lately. I invested in Quinn around February/March after the previous shake out with China etc, was 13% up after 2 months but it looks like I'm heading back to the break even point now with recent volatility. So I can exit now with less than I would have got from rabobanks deposit account or I can stay in there and potentially lose more. I notice my strongest gains came from China and emerging markets which I was most worried about! But if youre not in then you cant benefit from any rises. And usually by the time you realise theres gains to be had you are usually too late to exploit this information!
You never know if the market will fall further once you get in or will rise while you wait for it to hit bottom.
But in general it's a no brainer to invest for the long term if you can get a dollars worth of assets (last week) for 85 cent now.
If your investing long term timing the market is a fools game.

Saying that, if you believed a company / fund was good value at 10 EUR then it is obviously even better value at 9 EUR. Provided there has been no major issues e.g c&c profit warning.
With reference to OP if you have cash to invest (in my opinion) now would be a good time to exploit the downturn and if you can invest directly e.g. Keytrade, etc. and by-pass the funds annual mgmt. charge even better. If you are willing to stay in for 10+ years buy,buy,buy right now (well, the particular stocks you have already done plenty of homework/research on)

Good luck!
My Mum used to invest in shares and lost a lot of money - two things she never understood-
1. Because a stock price is plummeting does not mean it's good value.
2. Buying stock without any knowledge of the company is called gambling.