Good pub in Victoria, London (rugby)


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I'm going to a matinee in the Apollo Victoria theatre in London on Saturday. The show will finish just before the start of the rugby game - so I'm looking for a good pub in the area to watch the game.

Any suggestions?

Also - I'll need to know where I'm going in advance as have to arrange to meet others there. So just wandering around and picking somewhere isn't an option
Few enough nice pubs immediately around Victoria Station - not the best area for bars.. the few that are immediately by the station

I'd recommend this place -

Nice pub.. they've got big screens .. no idea if they normally show Rugby, but given the matches that are on that weekend I'd be fairly sure they'd have it on - you could always call to confirm

Food used to be really good there, but it's gone downhill was on the poor side of average for grub last time I was there , but it's still a nice bar and shouldn't be too busy at the weekend either.
The jugged Hare on Vauxhall Bridge Road was a very nice pub I was in recently, I didn't eat there but the menu looked pretty good. They also do Fuller's beers which I love. See here

They had a few tellys around too.
Thanks for the replies.

I had a feeling that it wasn't the best area for pubs - but needs must and all that...!
Hi There,

I might be too late but try out this website:

For Victoria try:
Make sure you weed out the Victorias in Canada etc.

Victoria isn't a great place for pubs but a couple from the webpage above:
The Cask and Glass: Nice cosy little English pub, I'd recommend it. Not sure about for sport but I'm pretty sure they have a TV and the rugby should be on the BBC. You might as well get a bit of London culture while in the city.
The Shakespeare: By the train station. Would not recommend.
The Travellers Tavern: By the bus station would not recommend.
The Bag O' Nails: Used to meet workmates here. Not a disaster but kind of soulless and touristy/after work crowd.
The Stage Door: Opposite the stage door of one of the theatres. Kinda touristy but not a disaster.
The Stag: A Gay pub, haven't been there in a while. When last there was fine but grotty.
Molly O'Grady's: Paddywhackery in the shopping centre up the escalator in the train station.

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The biggie Catholic Cathedral. While you're in Victoria, why not ?(I'm not religious). Including St. Patrick's Chapel with regimental badges of Irish regiments on the wall and the chance of happening upon a full blown musical/religious blowout. You can go up the bell tower and view London. Brought my son there when he was a tiddler. Following in a long line of London Irish Boys. Now he's a Dub, although his Mammy wants to bring him West and turn him into a real Irishman.