Good Directories


Registered User
Hi all,

Wanted to ask your advice on using directories as good quality links to increase your likeability with google search. At present Yahoo likes the site and for a new company it is ranking ok. However Goggle does not rank us anywhere in the first 50 idea where we are in it, gave up at this point...could anyone suggest good, FREE directories which are good links for google. I have already set the site up on browseireland,,dmoz, and niceone. Has anyone got any suggestions for other directories???

Thanks for your help as always...
It can take Google literally months for your website to start showing up in Google - one theory is that Google has an aging-delay that effectively keeps new sites from ranking good.

I'd suggest concentrating on quality links as well as having plenty of dynamic content on your website. Also, set yourself up with Google Sitemaps - very easy to do and a useful tool. Lastly, keep an eye on your sites log files to see if the GoogleBot is paying a regular visit...
Thanks guys!! I know how to check my log files but how can check if the Gogglebot is visiting the site from my log files. Do I need a particular program to do that?

I am presently going through the same task with my website, I'm in insurance, what industry are you. I found a good source of links was some government sites and statute sites for things like health & safety. Also links to our governing body and representative bodies. I have also noticed that some sites make links to their suppliers but only works when you have control over supply in the district and potential customers can't go direct.
