Good courses for those working in the IFSC?



Hi, currently working as a fund accountant in the IFSC for the last seven years. Would like to upgrade my qualifications but relevant to within the financial services sector. Some people are doing ACCA exams, and I know one person who's doing CFA exams but not sure how relevant that is unless you have the appropriate experience. Any thoughts would be appreciated

I worked in funds for 5.5 years and qualified as ACCA in that time. I haven't looked back since. It was hard work but it paid off. It opened up a range of opportunities for me, both within the world of fund administation and outside.
I found that my employer looked on me favourably while I was doing my ACCA exams. And I received a nice promotion on qualification. It showed that I was determined, hard-working and was driven. It set me apart from everyone else.
ACCA is relevant to fund accounting - it is a great way to get experence in financial reporting within the industry. Once quaified, you also have the option to move outside the world of funds - thats what I did. This an be quite difficult to do successfully without an accounting qualification.
For me, ACCA was a value-add qualification.

That's my €0.02. Good luck with whatever path you choose. Fair play to anyone that takes on an extra qualification while working full time.
Cheers Pugwall, appreciate your 0.02. I have always thought about the ACCA exams, but always put them on the long finger, it's definitely something i have to consider. Do you mind me asking how long did it take you?
What are your current qualifications and where do you hope further education would lead you?

Whilst I agree the ACCA is a very good qualification, it is also very specific. I have worked in several area's including Funds, I am part Qual but did not complete as it is not relevant to me outside of funds and I wasn't interested in the accounting side of business.

Among other things, such as diplomas by the Inst of bankers, there is an MA in financials services - at the NCIRL right on your doorstep. Which not only could offer a more generic qualification, will add value in funds but will also open up you horizon for other functions

That said if you wish to continue in funds I would stick with the ACCA.

Now you have 4 cents
