Gold Cards ?????



Can anyone tell me what the difference is between a regular credit card and a gold card other than the intrest rate???
May have additional benefits such as increased insurance and certain loyalty benefits. I never found it to be much of a benefit over a standard card to be honest.
You also need to earn more to get a gold card, thereby it gives a little indication of what you earn. A platinum card is evern higher. so there may be snob appeal to gold cards as well...
Apologies for parroting this yet again but the rate charged on any credit card should be irrelevant if one manages them properly by clearing the bill each month before interest charges are incurred.
Thanks all
I think I'll stick to what I have at the moment!
to anyone sticking with thier current gold cards. MBNA sent me one last year at 14.9%. When the replacement one arrived last month, the rate had changed to 18.9%. This is only apparent by reading through all the very small print. Solution - cut up card and returned it.

You can ring them and they will put you on the lower rate.

You need to check with MBNA every year to ensure you are on the best rate.

This is an overhead but one you can live with.

(And yes, Clubman, the rate is normally irrelevant as you pay the bill in full every month; but if it happens that you can't do this for a month or there is a payment delay or mixup, you want to know that you won't be hit with a huge interest bill.)
I figured that if they wanted to give me the lower rate, they could have kept me on the one I was already on. In any event I would rather deal with a credit card provider who would not try to screw me at the first available opportunity. Since I left MBNA, I have also had a lot less annoying phone calls offering me loans from them.
I have one but I clear the whole balance every month so it's just for handiness sake. But the rate is less than the normal BOI visa rate. It gives me free travel insurance for all the family for as many times as I want during the year. The yearly fee though is about 70 euro but the travel insurance is a lot more since I would usually go away maybe twice a year. It also gives damage/loss protection cover for 90 days on almost everything I buy with it. Gold cards are widely available these days and most people on a modest income can get one, it's not like the old days where you really did have to be a high earner to qualify. Mine suits me for what I need it for.
MBNA practically give them away. It really is as common as muck.
There's no extra prestige attached to them at all anymore they've
devalued them so much by giving them to all comers on paltry incomes.

They don't even have a non gold credit card on their site.
It's just gold, platinum and various affinity cards. If the government
wouldn't sting me for €40 I'd change credit card to something a little less common
Lelia says:

The yearly fee though is about 70 euro but the travel insurance is a lot more since I would usually go away maybe twice a year.

just on a point of information, regarding annual travel insurance. This can be got fairly competitively by shopping on-line. see below for quotes: