Going from a 3 day week to being layed off




I am currently working 3 day a week and claiming social welfare for the remaining 2 days.

From the beginning of April I will be layed off for a initial 2 month period (short time procedures FORM RP9), I may be brought back to work if things picks up, if not I will get redundancy.

I have 3 Questions

Do I have to go back to the dole office to sign on again, as I will not have the yellow slip from my employer?

I currently rent in Dublin, since I have no work in Dublin for the 2 months, I propose to move back home to my parents house in the country and have already gave up my room in dublin, do I have to sign off in Dublin and sign on again at home for the 2 months.

Should I just use my dublin address, the occupants are my friends, and travel up to sign on each week.

Excuse me if this has been covered on other treads, I have looked but couldn't information on this situation.

Thanks for your help.