Glo Net Most 100, anything better within Glo?


Registered User
Have a renewal here which I just noticed today is due on 20/11, I assumed (stupidly) that it was the 30th Nov/1st Dec similar to the two Laya policies I was renewing. Sorted those yesterday but had no phone service to ring Glo and they have no phone line today.

I presume I can renew online but is there anything better or similar for lower cost I should be looking at with them (sticking with Glo for the free under 3s) before I renew?

Glohealth Best Smart Plan; price 1162pa is worth considering for the adults.
There is extra hospital cover and extra day to day cover on this plan at a better price.
You still have 14 days to choose after renewal 20 Nov 2016.
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Hi, thanks for that, I've just had a look at that but I don't think it is including the free kids under 3? I'm not sure, it seems to be giving a price for the child which the other plan is not however I read on the site that only the Glo Bloom plans have free kids cover. It's very confusing :(
The following 3 Glohealth plans include free cover for children under 3 yrs and are cheaper than your current plan with some differences in cover;
1. Bloom Plus; price 900pa; public, private and some Beacon hi-tech cover, private excess 300 x2 per year, private day case excess 75 per visit.
2. Net More 100; price 1094pa; public and private hospital cover, no hi-tech cover, private excess 100 per admission, private day case excess 50.
3. Bloom Star; price 1150pa; public, private and some hi tech hospital cover, private/hi-tech excess 150 x 2 per year, private/hi-tech day case excess 50 per visit.

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Older children options;
For children over 3 yrs the following 2 plans are good value;
1. Nurture Plan; price 100 per child; public, private and some Beacon hi-tech cover. Private excess 300 x 2 per year. Day case excess 75.
2. Nurture Plus; price 140 per child; public, private and hi-tech Beacon and Mater private cover. Private/hi-tech excess 125 x 2 per year. Day case
excess 50 per visit.

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Older children do not have to be on the same plan as the adult, the above 2 plans are worth considering.

Thanks a million for all that info, very helpful as usual :) Only one child in this case 18 mths old.