Gifts for Teachers -


Registered User
I noticed a small piece in the Times yesterday about how a huge amount of money is spent on presents for teachers at the end of a term - soap, candles, chocolates, etc. The charity Crosscare has set up a feature on its website whereby you can donate money to the charity and receive a certificate for the child to give to the teacher in lieu of a present. I don't know much about this particular charity but I think it is a great idea.
Still seems like a bit of a scam to me. Schools should not be encouraging any extra spending by parents in the current environment. Schools should have policies in place so that gifts cannot be accepted. Students can be encouraged to produce a home made card or similar if required.
Why should teachers get presents? Nobody gives me any presents just for doing my job (apart from the odd scone and a cup of tea!) We are becoming a very materialistic society......

Just my opinion.