Gift for someone going Travelling


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trying to think of a gift for my cousin who is going travelling. Mainly will be based in Oz. She has the usual stuff : mp3 player & digital camera. Anyone have any ideas what I could get her? Everyone seems to be giving her money but I would like to get something that she wouldnt buy herself but would need.

not being smart but cold hard cash is your best bet. the less you have to carry around / loose while travelling the better. your few bob could mean a nice little unexpected extra along the way.
rough guide / lonely planet
first aid kit
decent sunglasses
xtra large tub of factor 50

and dont forget....... film for the digital camera!
One thing that I found very useful while travelling (although it's not massively expensive) is one of those microfibre travel towels that you can get in outdoor pursuits shops.
When I was going travelling I knew that I would be spending quite a bit of time in Sydney so friends bought me a voucher online for a nice meal out there. It was great as I never had the money to go anywhere nice.
If she has a definite plan to be somewhere for a while I'm sure you could get her a voucher for an 'experience' there, ex, Sydney Harbour bridge walk, a Bungee Jump, scuba trip on the barrier reef etc.
Otherwise cash is a good idea.
or else, don't give her too much now... but six months down the line send her a big box of tayto and lyons tea etc!
One thing that I found very useful while travelling (although it's not massively expensive) is one of those microfibre travel towels that you can get in outdoor pursuits shops.

I'd disagree on this one. We found these impossible to dry and really smelly when being stuffed quickly in backpacks while going from place to place.
Things i have found handy on my wanderings are,
Those zip lock bags that have a one way vent that allows you to compress pack/stick your dirty laundry away and not pong up the rest of the ruck sack.
Waterproof case for digital camera , not an expensive one that goes to fathoms deep more like one for 5 mtrs deep , great for snorkeling, if your cousin is into scuba most dive shops will have the case for deep dive photos.
Not everyones fav but a good pair of sturdy "Teva" sandles , great for treking on forgiving ground, though not great in dem der hills!!
A silk sleeping bag liner is a must as some places have a relaxed attitude towards washing linen between guests.
Speakers for the MP3 player.
One of those travel clothes lines , the ones that don't need pegs with 2 suction thingys at end.
A few tacky keyrings , stickers , badges etc with random Irish slogans , flags etc great for giving to people in guest houses/hostels that have done you a really good turn.
Last but by no means least regular weather updates from home cos no matter where your cuz is , no matter how homesick they may or may not feel, when they hear that its p*s*ing it down in good old Hibernia they will smile

Hope I've given you some food for thought

Noise cancelling headphones. She may have her Ipod etc loaded for a long flight but there is nothing worse then the drone of aircraft and babies screaming. I picked up a pair in the USA for $40 (not Bose) and they are invaluable.

Good travel insurance. We are inclined to stint on such things when we are younger! I use for an annual policy (covers travel in Ireland too!) for myself and my family and get a reduced policy premium discount by making a declaration confirming our health insurance is covered by the VHI.

Also, a good battery charger (go to Argos) and plug adaptor for the camera and MP3 player!