Getting Back Pay & Supplementary P45



I recently recieved back pay from a company I left almost 3 years ago. I requested a supplementary p45 but the tax stated does not match the amount they deducted, about 9K in difference. Also the supplementary p45 I recieved was not signed just a copy fromROS website. Should I insist ona signed copy from accountant. and what should I do about issue with tax - contact revenue?

Thank you
I recently recieved back pay from a company I left almost 3 years ago. I requested a supplementary p45 but the tax stated does not match the amount they deducted, about 9K in difference.

You need to ask them for a reconciliation if there is that much of a difference. This should not be difficult for them to provide.

Also the supplementary p45 I recieved was not signed just a copy fromROS website. Should I insist ona signed copy from accountant.

ROS P45's do not carry a signature, only a certificate number so a signature would make no difference. If it was filed on ROS then it's valid anyway.

and what should I do about issue with tax - contact revenue?

Revenue take the amounts provided by the employer so at best they would end up having to ask the employer so you may as well do it.