Getting a loan while abroad?



I'm currently spening a year abroad, I've got about 4 months left before I return to Ireland. I would like to be able to borrow some money to pay off my credit card bill and provide me with a little extra money to use on my travels. I'm working over here but not enough to send any home. When I get back I will be going back into my old job and paying it off quickly would be no problem, but until then I am not employed as such.

Would any banks/finance company's give me a loan under these circumstances, and if so which ones? I've been with AIB for a few years, and have had a loan with them previosuly which was repayed well in advance. I was told to perhaps get a student loan guaranteed by my dad as this may work.

Any suggestions?

Many Thanks.
When I get back I will be going back into my old job and paying it off quickly would be no problem, but until then I am not employed as such.

I was told to perhaps get a student loan guaranteed by my dad as this may work.

Are you saying that on return you will take up your old job while also studying or are you not a student at all?
Have you got accomodation sorted out when you return here? You will need to take this into account when considering your ability to repay any loan.
Hi Rainyday, No i'm not a student, finished college 2 years ago. I left my job in sales 9 months ago to go traveling.As I did well in the job, they promised me a job when i return. I will be living with my parents for a while when I return, but when I am back earning money I will sort my own place out.

Obviously a bank wants to make sure you have a capasity to repay a loan, but will they ever give it you with some consideration for the situation, with trust of past history and future plans etc?
