Getting a loan from Ireland while overseas



My girlfriend and I are taking a year out and are traveling around the world. We both have been saving for the past number of years and we have a reasonable amount of money. We hope that our saved money and some money from casual work will get us through the year.

I talked to my bank manager about the possibility of getting a loan during the trip, if we decided we needed more money. My bank manager had no issue with giving me a loan as I will have my job when I come back, but she wanted me to take out the loan before i go. She said that it would be impossible to have a loan approved while I am away. I do not want to take on a loan of 5-10K and start paying interest if it is not needed. If I do require a loan it will probably be towards the end of my trip and again I would not like to have been paying interest for the first 9 months.

Has anyone any ideas how I could get a loan approved while overseas?
My other half managed it from Oz (exactly as you said - when we finally ran out of cash!), by a mixture of begging, borrowing and pleading! He had previously had a good salary and a fairly good relationship with the (BOI) branch.

I, on the other hand, couldn't even get through to my BOI branch - they never picked up the phone or responded to emails. Incredibly bad public service. So no loan for me.

Could you not (I'm not sure of the ins and outs of this) get the loan and the loan approval and not draw down until you need it? Do you need to pay interest before you fraw down the loan? As I said, I don't know one way or another...