German online service for cyclists and pedestrians to report dangerously parked cars

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Other stressors include eejits in cars who think they own the road and have that special glow of self-righteous entitlement that comes with their mission to get to the shop for the pint of milk in the fastest time possible.
Not quite. The eejits in cars are on a mission to suit themselves. The eejits in Lycra are on a mission to save the planet too.

Not alone do they think they have the right to be inconsiderate to cyclists, they think it's actually their duty to do so.
No. It's the eejits in Lycra who clothe their self-interest in duty and self serving environmental twaddle. The eejits in cars are just that, eejits.

We could continue with this back and forward basing cyclists and motorists but it's pointless. Motorist dominate the roads and the roads are configured for their needs and not cyclists.
Increasingly, less and less the case.

Cyclists are the poor relation here.
Cue the violins

Most cyclists want a more equitable (and safer) environment.
Equitable as defined by cyclists presumably

And most are not lycra wearing eco warrior car haters. Most are car drivers. I really don't see why there is such bitterness and hatred from your posts.
Ahem, back at post #1, this was started by a reference to that guy in Germany who is quoted approvingly as saying: '...and what he calls a brand-specific “asshole factor”, with statistics indicating BMWs and Audis most often parked illegally.'
Bitterness and hatred anyone, eh?
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Ah...... if only you had indicated at the outset what it was that was biting you.
Cycling in a tight bunch is the safest method for a large group of cyclists.
The best thing about my large group of cyclists is that it usually includes a couple of serving members of AGS and lots of front and rear HD video cameras.
Reactions: Leo
The best thing about my large group of cyclists is that it usually includes a couple of serving members of AGS and lots of front and rear HD video cameras.
Excellent! No doubt they will record and report all illegal road behaviour in the group then. Including any instances of bunching more than two abreast on narrow roads - a practice outlined in post #34 that you appeared to quote approvingly in post #43.

Must have a word with GSOC.....
Neither post #34 nor #43 mention cycling more than 2 abreast. They mention a tight bunch.

No need for GSOC in this instance.
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