George Lee Resigns?

It's probably less of a surprise than his decision to run in the first place.

I know it reflects badly on FG but surely it raises questions on what exactly he thought he was getting into and what he thought his role would be.

He should have sought assurances at the outset on how exactly he would be deployed if elected. Did he just assume that everyone would just fawn over him and bow to his undoubted insights and expertise?
He was very naive having spent a sheltered life in RTE.

He doesn’t have the ability to push himself to the front in the rough and tumble of politics.
Quitting after nine months is ridiculous in any scenario - what did he think? that he'd be the saviour of the country within the first couple of months?? He's stamping his feet now because he found out he's not as important as he'd like to think he is!. RTE is a better fit for him!
Can he go back onto RTE though and start reporting on economic matters? I am not sure he can because no matter what he does, he will be accused of bias!

George Lee for Washington as someone mentioned above is more likely in my opinion.
George Lee for Washington as someone mentioned above is more likely in my opinion.

I don't think that's an runner as he has a young family. Am I the only one who thinks there's more to it?
I think a lot of it had to do with begrudgery within the party. A lot of TDs seem to think that as long as they do their time and graft away on constituency issues, then this is sufficient for them to be 'entitled' to a Ministry or a high profile position at national level, regardless of their qualifications (or lack thereof) for these jobs.
I think George may have recently noticed that the economy is showing small signs of recovering ( green shoots, anyone? ) and as his whole reasong for existing is to profess on doom and gloom, he feels he has nothing constructive to offer any more.

On a more serious note, I think his decision to resign his seat is a major insult to everyone who voted for him.
The reality, however, is that despite my best efforts I have had virtually no influence or input into shaping Fine Gael's economic policies at this most critical time.
I debated the cap on bankers' salaries and Colm Doherty's appointment to MD of AIB with him on RTE radio some time ago. He was very uncomfortable. He was obviously throwing out the party line, but didn't believe in what he was saying.

I asked him afterwards and he told me that I was free to say what I liked - he had to say the party line, whether he believed it or not.

I asked him about the Dail debate on NAMA where I was interested in hearing what he had to say. He spoke for about 10 minutes with around 1800 minutes of Dail time in total. I could see real frustration in the guy.

I suspect that he also saw that the Government has moved back on the right economic track and this has taken the wind out of the opposition's sails.

It is shocking that FG could not reorganise things to accommodate someone like George Lee.


I agree. I was dissapointed with him since he joined but I guess I didn't take into account that he was constrained by party politics to such an extent. I was glad to see him enter politics because I think we need to see more people like him enter public life but I guess the system is not set up for someone like him.
I asked him afterwards and he told me that I was free to say what I liked - he had to say the party line, whether he believed it or not.

I sympathise with him and he was probably promised more say in things, but to some extent the same restriction is on every single TD or member of any organisation with a specific agenda, even journalists have to stick to editorial lines.

I suppose, the point is why accept the offer when this was always going to be the case. Did he feel or was he led to believe there'd be an exception made for him?

I think we all have taken jobs where the roles and responsibilities end up being a bit less than what we were promised or hoped for. I admire him for admitting it. He could have sat there for the next few years (no problem getting elected again) and built up a nice pension. Having said that, it is easier to hold the moral high ground when you have a job waiting for you back in RTE.

I suppose, and I do sympathise and respect his decision, just I can't help feel that based on Brendan's anecdote there's a bit of Lee feeling sorry for himself when that particular issue should have been evident to all but the greenest individual.

Maybe the realities of being a TD also had an effect, such as the locals popping in and asking can he sort out the local bus route or help sort their Mick with a job.
Whatever it may or may not say about George Lee it speaks volumes about FG. If they can’t hold onto such a high profile TD in opposition how the heck are they going to keep a coalition government together?
Lee may or may not have behaved like a spoiled child (I don’t think he did) but FG have displayed unbelievable political ineptitude.
On a more serious note, I think his decision to resign his seat is a major insult to everyone who voted for him.


Resigning his seat is ridiculous. With the slim government majority there are other ways to wield influence than through the FG ranks e.g. his vote could be the difference between 2 more years of the current government or a more imminent election.

He got elected on personality and his anti-government stance. It wasn't about FG so the least he could do is stand on as an opposition voice.

He's lost every shred of respect in my opinion.
Maybe the realities of being a TD also had an effect, such as the locals popping in and asking can he sort out the local bus route or help sort their Mick with a job.

I would say there was some of that as well. It would wreck my head.

I barely noticed Lee in Politics. He made no impression whatsoever imo and is not there long enough to have any long term adverse effect on FG.
I barely noticed Lee in Politics. He made no impression whatsoever imo and is not there long enough to have any long term adverse effect on FG.

I'd agree. The general consensus that politicians are gombeens is unfounded in most cases. Can people genuinely say that George Lee was a more accomplished economist than Richard Bruton?

At the end of the day he was a celebrity economics journalist. Given the platform he had it wasn't hard to sound sensible. It was probably a different story when he came up against better briefed and most accomplished associates.

Resigning FG is one thing after 9 months but resigning his seat shows sheer arrogance, unless there is something deeper going on.
I barely noticed Lee in Politics. He made no impression whatsoever imo and is not there long enough to have any long term adverse effect on FG.

I think he's shown up the fact that FG are not interested in talent or qualifications or areas of expertise but still have this 'I was here first' mentality when it comes to appointments and decision making. Not a great image for a party that has been hammering FF over croneyism and jobs for the boys.