Gay Byrne for President!!

+1. To date I have not seen one candidate/ potential candidate that I would be happy to vote for.
The whole thing is a farce.

Gay Byrne isn't a suitable candidate for President.

We will never learn.
The Red C poll includes a FF candidate in addition to Gaybo - thus giving the impression that Gaybo is in competition with FF, not supported by them. Poll would be different with Gaybo as the sole FF supported candidate.
He thinks Eurpoe is run by 'mad people'. It will be interesting to have a euro-sceptic candidate in the race.
Indeed. I'd vote for him on the basis that he's neither a bleeding-heart liberal or a europhile.
The addition of Gay Byrne to the list of candidates would mean that I would feel forced to vote for Michael D. Higgins.
Someone suggested to me last night that Catherine McGuinness would be ideal and I thought it was an interesting suggestion. Not sure what age she is but would be around the same age as Gay Byrne.
So voting tactically as an ABGB voter?


Well I have some respect for Michael D, put it that way.

I have huge respect for Catherine McGuinness but, having attended a few of her lectures, no, wouldn't vote for her as President- don't think she would be suited to it, nor it to her. She actually has a far more useful and practical purpose to fulfil in life which she does very well indeed already, thanks.
Well I have some respect for Michael D, put it that way.
I took the wording of your previous post to mean that the addition of Byrne (and he likely success) would force you to change your voting intentions to try to ensure he didn't get in.
I took the wording of your previous post to mean that the addition of Byrne (and he likely success) would force you to change your voting intentions to try to ensure he didn't get in.

Indeed, that was quite clear.

But 'anyone but gay byrne' is not accurate. I am choosing from a list and my preference on that list, so far, is Michael D. To be clear- I believe Michael D to be a better, stronger and more deserving candidate than Gay Byrne.

I find it amusing to listen to the eulogies of the likes of Eoghan Harris of Gay Byrne. In my opinion Gay Byrne was a good TV presenter- at times too opinionated, mysogynistic and condescending to be a great tv presenter. But that's all he was to me. He didn't, in my opinion, as some people seem to think, change the face of Ireland but rather presented a TV programme which showed a changing Ireland. Two very different things, I believe.


The addition of Gay Byrne to the list of candidates would mean that I would feel forced to vote for Michael D. Higgins.

Not a fan of Michael D. He's way too far left for me - seems to be real old school socialist and so out of touch with the modern world. Also, his foreign affairs views can leave a lot to be desired, so would not be a good candidate to be the international face of Ireland.
I was surprised Michael D beat Fergus Finlay in the Labour contest. Finlay performed well in some of the early polls.
I wonder could he be persuaded to run as an independent?
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The whole thing is a farce.

Gay Byrne isn't a suitable candidate for President.

The role itself is a bit of a farce.

What boggles me is that everyone is talking about this presidency while the country is literally dying day by day.
Well said Vanilla.
Phew! He has announced that he will not be going into the presidential race!