Gay Byrne for President!!

He did Law in UCC.

The office is non-political. So, why are political partys getting so annoyed with independents running.

FG openly blocked independant canidates.
He did Law in UCC.

The office is non-political. So, why are political partys getting so annoyed with independents running.

FG openly blocked independant canidates.

Of course they did. They had their own candidates. FF did the same when they were in power.

The person should have some political experience. Just because the role doesn't have executive or policy powers doesn't mean that it is a meaningless role in a politcal context. The President still enjoys significant powers in the signing of bills etc.

Think it is a shame that we do not have any stand out politicians from any party who would be suitable for the role.
I have no doubt that Gaybo would be a shoe-in if he decided to contest the election. I think he would be terrible though.

Being a president means having to follow certain diplomatic protocols, knowing what to say and when to say it and, perhaps more importantly, knowing when to keep your mouth shut. There's a bigger picture that needs to considered.

Gaybo dislikes being told when to stay quiet. This is made quite worse when the person being told to stay quiet is an obvious expert on every possible issue and has an opinion that he feels everyone wants to hear.

Only the other day, he expressed his frustration with civil servants who he felt were "patience-consuming". Without knowing what led him to this conclusion, it seems he has a low tolerance for anyone who can't see things his way. This is arrogance in the extreme and not a condition that can (or should) be accomodated within the office of the presidency.

And think also that legislation has to tbe signed by the President. THIS WOULD MAKE ALL OUR FUTURE LAWS GAYBO-PROOF. Is this a risk too far?
Agree Staples. Whilst I think some presidents are humbled by the role and are very careful to act according to the responsibilities of a president, I would fear that Uncle Gaybo would be quite the opposite, that he might see this as further proof that the people, now his people, love him and the power might just fuel his ego. As Sunny says tho, the real shame is that the list of candidates to date is less than inspiring.
Fianna Fail should be acting more responsibly but once again they are putting their own interests ahaead of the country's. By riding on the coat tails of a populist candidate, they are seeking to restore their own tarnished image even if it means diminishing the office of the president.

They truly are despicable.
I'm confident that the electorate is sophisticated enough to see that Gaybo is not Presidential material and that he's a FF candidate by stealth.

By supporting independent canidates?

When was popular a crime?

Did FG not run George Lee?
Did Labour not run Orla Guerin?

FF has given support to Sean Fitzpatrick + Mary Davis.

They are facilitating democracy.

Why would they want to spend 750k on a campaign?
I'm confident that the electorate is sophisticated enough to see that Gaybo is not Presidential material and that he's a FF candidate by stealth.

I wouldn't be too sure about that. The impression I get is that people are crying out for a candidate that is not connected to the main political parties. If Gaybo ran against the other 4 that are currently in the race, I'd give him a good chance.
I could also see some people vote for him as a type of protest vote after what may be perceived as dirty tricks to remove Norris.
Gaybo has taken stances in his life.

FF are right to back him.

If they can save 750K to boot - fair play.

Have Labour or FG problems with Gaybo?

Neither of those 2 organisations had problems running cleb canidates.
Gay is a shoe-in for president if he can get on the ticket IMO

Non-affiliated party and/or celeb candidates have done very very well recently

George Lee - 53% of first pref votes
Mick Wallace - 17.6% (elected 1st count)
Shane Ross - 23.5% (elected 1st count)


The problem is that Gaybo will not be seen as an independent candidate - most people will regard him as being a FF candidate. Protest votes in the general election were anti-FF. I can see no scenario where a FF supported candidate, whether he is an 'official' candidate or not, can win the Presidential election.

Maybe, but if you look at the poll (and its only one poll), Gay Mitchell is polling at 1/3 of what his party has recently polled at. Party politics may go out the window and even thought Gaybo might be nominated by FF he has had no active role in the party.
My own view is that even though he is enjoying the attention he will not run.
Gay will easily win.

He is such an experienced media operator compared with Gray Mitchell or Michael D.

Gay will also be transfer friendly.
Look at Gaye, now look at the rest!
Look at Gaye, now look at the rest!
Look at Gaye, now look at the rest!
Look at Gaye, now look at the rest!
Look at Gaye, now look at the rest!

Gaye looks good................Better that all the rest, Simply the best, better than all the rest.