Gardai and the Smoking Ban



I was wondering do some laws not apply to the Gardai. I was driving behind a Garda Car the other day. there were three Gardai in the car. The Garda in the front passenger side was smoking a cigarette so I take it that the smoking ban in the workplace does not apply to Garda Cars. Anyway when he was finished the Cigarette he threw the Butt out the window so I am presuming that the Anti-Litter laws do not apply here either.

any thoughts on this?

I made a note of the registration no of the Garda car but I didn't report it, mainly because I didn't know where to report it to (the Garda's buddies down at the station?)and also because I believe I would only be making trouble for myself

Gardai are above the law cushtie. Didn't you know that?

Re: gardai

next you'll be asking if it's ok for gardai to speed or to bury explosives in border county fields for later discovery as part of a crack down on terrorism, of course it's ok.
Re; Gardai and the Smoking Ban

Try 1890 333 100.
Re; Gardai and the Smoking Ban

Is a Garda car a "place of detention" and, as such, possibly exempt from the workplace smoking ban?
Gardai smokin'

Perfectly fine. Mobile assylums are exempt under the Smoking Ban.

See a garda pulling out on to a bypass yesterday using hand held mobile when pulling out onto a busy bypass.

That's okay Gardai have to make emergency calls to their wives when on duty.

What I love is when they encounter traffic and suddenly the sirens are on and they're off.
No doubt to catch a crook or what not (and not just to collect their chinese).
Verbal Cigarette

Being a herb it could be passed off as being biodegradable, and they were just returning it to nature!