Fund left uninvested

Will Gilberson

Registered User
I had my pension transferred to a Bond about 25 years ago after I left an employment. Got on line to it recently and noticed it has been stagnant (has not gone up or down) in last 4 years (as far as I can go back online)
Suggestion was made that at maturity it transferred to cash and this is the reason, but I reached 65 just last year. Is there a valid explanation for this set of events or does it look like something has gone wrong
The default strategy for your bond might have been 'lifestyling' where it started to move from equities to bonds / cash as you approached retirement age. It wouldn't just switch over on one day, but maybe 10% per annum for the 10 years leading to retirement.

If your job had a normal retirement age of 60 it would have happened earlier.